Friday, October 2, 2015

I'm Headed to Miami!

Is it possible to time travel?  Could my 37 year old self spend at least a bit of time being 30 years old again?  No, this does not involve 1.21 gigawatts.  (Please, for the love of God, tell me you know that's a Back to the Future reference!)  However, it does involve an awesome friend, Morgan, and a race entry for Sunday's Key Biscayne Half Marathon.

Believe it or not, races are pretty strict about once you pay your money, you're locked in.  They don't want you selling or giving your entry away.  Hey, if you can't use it & can find someone who can & will use it, what's the harm (assuming you're not jacking up the price and being an asshole)?  Well, Morgan had signed up to do the Key Biscayne Half only to then find out that a friend was getting married that same Wisconsin!  Morgan is many things, and one of them is an awesome friend.  So not only did she say "yes," to flying up to Wisconsin for the wedding, she also offered me her race entry!  Honestly, how cool is that?!

Here's where the time travel comes in.  Morgan can't "officially" transfer her entry to me.  No big deal.  I can pick up her race bib (because I'm such a helpful friend), and then on Sunday morning, I can just happen to pin it on myself & run.  Yes, according to the race results, I will be 30 year old Morgan from Miami!  How cool is that?

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