This title might sound silly, but I was finally able (well, at least willing) to put on regular sneakers and stop wearing the convertibles (ie: sneakers with the tops over the big toes cut out). I'm sure I didn't need to do that for quite so long, but a little too much time in the convertibles is probably better than a too little time in 'em where my toe starts hurting again.
Today's run had me doing 17 miles, but half of them were at marathon pace. Since my last long run was a disaster (to me), I opted to do this one on my own for a bit of redemption. The plan was to do the first 8 miles at a regular, slow-ish pace, then do the marathon pace for the next 8.5 miles, and finally to wind-down the last half mile. This pretty much is how it shook out, and I'm happy about that. Of course, the Nervous Nelly in me says, "but that was less than a third of the real distance that you'll want to cover at that pace." Perhaps I need to tell Nervous Nelly to STFU!
If you're sitting there, reading this, and wanting proof that this was a pretty decent run, I've got your proof right here via a screen shot of my Garmin Connect info. I'm not quite sure how/where that final full mile ended up with a 7:33 pace! LOL! The last one highlighted below is a combination of the half mile at marathon pace (MP) and then a slower, cool-down half mile. I wish I could break it up to see if that 0.5 at MP was as fast as the previous mile was.
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