If you simply saw the numbers, you'd either tell me that (a) I'm lying about the run not being a good one, (b) I'm being a bit too dramatic, or (c) I need to get my head checked. But, as the saying goes, the devil's in the details. Let's start with the numbers.
The original plan by RCJ had me doing 20 miles, but the route should include 4 bridges. I mapped out this little gem ahead of time, so I knew it would end up being more like 22 miles, so I texted her to ask how terrible it would be if I did 22 miles as opposed to 20. Her response was "not terrible!" Ok, so my route was set, and as usual, I'd have my hydration vest, my gels, and my Nuun tabs with me. I had breakfast & coffee before I ran, and I started nice & early to maximize whatever cool (relatively speaking) weather there would be.
The first bridge was at about mile 5-point-something, and the second one wasn't until mile 13 or so. The next two bridges would happen between then and mile 20. By the time I reached the third bridge, I was feeling pretty wiped, and I knew my water supply was diminishing. I tried to keep my water intake and Gu/Nuun tab consumption at regular intervals, and I think I did, but sweet Christ, this run just was not a good one. By mile 16 or so, I knew it was getting rough, and I bargained with myself that if I could just run to the base of the final bridge, I'd stop at a gas station, get water, and then walk. But you know I like my nice, round numbers, and because that wasn't 20 miles, I figured I could keep going to where I was pretty sure 20 miles would fall and, as I reasoned with myself, another gas station would be. I must've been pretty motivated to get that final mile (up to mile 20) done. Check out how my pace changes from the previous miles! How did I pull off a pace of 8:09 if I felt as shitty as I did?! LOL!
The rest of the trip home was a mix of slow running (as the 8:56 and 8:51 paces show), some walking, and then a bit more shuffling (less than a mile at a 9:22 pace).
When I got back, I did something I pretty much never do: took my shoes, vest, and watch off and went right in the pool! Yup - in all my running gear: socks, compression sleeves, and more!
I still don't know what went wrong, but days like this always make me wonder how I'm going to pull off 26.2 miles!
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