Friday, July 24, 2015

In Case You're Wondering...

I know you probably know better than this, but I also know that there are some people out there who may be thinking, "ok, once she gets her BQ and is able to run Boston, she'll be done."  If this is you, or if you think you know who this might be, the answer is "definitely not."  I find it quite ironic that a certain someone who is generally annoyed by my running decides to inquire if any of my upcoming races will qualify me for Boston.  My prediction is that this person assumes (completely incorrectly, by the way) that if the Marine Corps Marathon goes well, I'll be done once I run Boston (which, by the way, probably won't be until 2017).  Perhaps by then, I'll be on to some new hobby.  (BASE jumping, anyone?)  What said person also doesn't know is that Hans has already mentioned me, Morgan, and him running the Two Oceans 56k in South Africa that year.  So many little time!

1 comment:

  1. LOL... Glad that this "said person" isn't me !
    Go for're young...your ambitious...and a little crazy is good..but enjoy the challenge. You're a winner in my book!
